




陕西 西安


  • 【经验分享】QEMU/KVM如何修改开机启动顺序?
    virsh edit name-of-vm-instance
        <type arch='x86_64' machine='pc-i440fx-xenial'>hvm</type>
        <boot dev="network"></boot>
        <boot dev="cdrom"></boot>
        <boot dev="hd"></boot>
        <bootmenu enable='yes'/>
    发布时间:2024-03-12 11:51:28
  • 【经验分享】使用VNC远程连接KVM虚拟机,鼠标不同步而且偏移很大(想砸掉鼠标冲动的那种)问题解决:
    (1)编辑虚拟机配置文件,例如sudo virsh edit win10_1,然后将<input type="mouse" bus="ps2" />修改为<input type="tablet" bus="usb" /> 。
    发布时间:2024-03-13 09:26:51
  • 【经验分享】Frida里Java.choose找到某个类的实例,在调用该实例方法时出现“script should be invoke on MainThread”问题的解决:

    // Assign the javascript code to a variable.
    jsCode = """
    // Create a method called Cheese that will be exported.
    function Cheese()
    // Perform the code from injected context.
    Java.perform(function ()
    // Variable to store the view representing the button
    // to click programmatically.
    var view;
    // Define the Runnable type javascript wrapper.
    var Runnable = Java.use("java.lang.Runnable");

    // Find the MainActivity class in myApp.
    // Once it has been found execute the following code.
    onMatch: function(instance)
    // Get the view representing button to click.
    // 2131436712 id derived from decompiling app.
    view = instance.findViewById(2131436712);
    // Define a new class that implements Runnable and provide
    // the implementation of the run() method which, will
    // execute from the Main thread.
    const MyRunnable = Java.registerClass({
    implements: [Runnable],
    methods: {
    // run executes button click.

    // Create an instance of the class just created.
    var MyGuiUpdate = MyRunnable .$new();
    // Schedule the run method in MyGuiUpdate to
    // execute on the UI thread.
    instance.runOnUiThread(MyGuiUpdate );

    发布时间:2024-02-23 13:00:33
  • 【经验分享】Frida script中如何给Java的Long类型变量赋值?
    /* renamed from: e */
    public Long f90137e;

    (1)classObj.e.value = 1978705204; 会报"Error: Expected value compatible with java.lang.Long"错误。
    (2)classObj.e.value = Java.use('java.lang.Long').parseLong.overload('java.lang.String').call(Java.use('java.lang.Long'), "1978705204");依然会报上述错误。
    (3)这个方法可以成功赋值:classObj.e.value = Java.use('java.lang.Long').$new(1978705204);
    发布时间:2024-02-21 21:45:47
  • 【经验分享】miller使用filter查询条件,当遇到字段含有空格或者其它特殊字符时怎么处理?如下示例中某个字段含有点号,直接查询会报错。解决方法如下:

    示例:mlr --icsv --oxtab --from mouser_products_202312.csv filter '${Mfr.}=~"TDK" || ${Brand}=~"TDK"' then count

    另外,Stackoverflow(https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50697536/pandas-query-function-not-working-with-spaces-in-column-names)上有人说可以用`字段`将字段包裹起来,例如:a.query('`a b` == 5') ,但是需要Pandas是0.25版本,我机器上是0.24.2,测试没有效果。
    发布时间:2024-02-21 19:01:04
  • 【经验分享】今天本地windows系统adb shell突然报错"error: unknown host service",尝试"adb kill-server"、甚至重启PC和手机均不起作用。后来网上查了下,说是PC端adb的后台服务进程的5037端口被其它程序占用了。

    解决方法:使用netstat -ano找到并关闭占有者进程,问题解决。 ​​​
    发布时间:2024-02-21 18:55:05
  • 【经验分享】PPPOE认证返回“User Locked”,可能是因为MAC被拉黑了,换一个就好了。 ​​​
    发布时间:2024-01-16 13:00:17
  • 【经验分享】Linux如何限制一个命令的运行时长?可以使用timeout命令。
    timeout 10s ping www.baidu.com ​​​
    发布时间:2024-01-12 12:11:50
  • 【经验分享】Playwright库使用context.route()/page.route()过滤HTTP(S)请求时发现有Ajax漏包的情况。查官方文档,发现有云:
    browser_context.route() will not intercept requests intercepted by Service Worker. See this issue. We recommend disabling Service Workers when using request interception by setting browser.new_context.service_workers to 'block'.

    context = browser.new_context(service_workers='block')

    发布时间:2024-01-10 11:56:20
  • 【经验分享】Python fontTools 获取字体文件的字形名称列表,遇到"smile", "question", "space"等AGL名称,如何将其转为Unicode代码?

    >>>import fontTools

    参考:https://fonttools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_modules/fontTools/agl.html ​​​
    发布时间:2023-10-12 10:58:26
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squid external_acl_type介绍及后台程序编写示例

        利用external_acl_type可以自定义一种Squid的ACL类型,并且可以指定一个自定义的后端程序(Helper Program)。我们可以向这个后端程序动态传递很多有用的参数,例如客户端IP (%SRC,) 服务端IP( %MYADDR),客户端访问的URL( %PATH),访问者的用户名( %LOGIN)等变量,然后在认证程序中我们可以根据这些变量实现复杂的逻辑认证。PS:我在网上找了很久都没找到介绍这些变量参数含义的,最后抱着试一试的想法在squid.conf的注释中找到的详细的说明(如下FORMAT specifications部分)。

#  TAG: external_acl_type
#       This option defines external acl classes using a helper program
#       to look up the status
#         external_acl_type name [options] FORMAT.. /path/to/helper [helper arguments..]
#       Options:
#         ttl=n         TTL in seconds for cached results (defaults to 3600
#                       for 1 hour)
#         negative_ttl=n
#                       TTL for cached negative lookups (default same
#                       as ttl)
#         children-max=n
#                       Maximum number of acl helper processes spawned to service
#                       external acl lookups of this type. (default 20)
#         children-startup=n
#                       Minimum number of acl helper processes to spawn during
#                       startup and reconfigure to service external acl lookups
#                       of this type. (default 0)
#         children-idle=n
#                       Number of acl helper processes to keep ahead of traffic
#                       loads. Squid will spawn this many at once whenever load
#                       rises above the capabilities of existing processes.
#                       Up to the value of children-max. (default 1)
#         concurrency=n concurrency level per process. Only used with helpers
#                       capable of processing more than one query at a time.
#         cache=n       limit the result cache size, default is unbounded.
#         grace=n       Percentage remaining of TTL where a refresh of a
#                       cached entry should be initiated without needing to
#                       wait for a new reply. (default is for no grace period)
#         protocol=2.5  Compatibility mode for Squid-2.5 external acl helpers
#         ipv4 / ipv6   IP protocol used to communicate with this helper.
#                       The default is to auto-detect IPv6 and use it when available.
#       FORMAT specifications
#         %LOGIN        Authenticated user login name
#         %EXT_USER     Username from previous external acl
#         %EXT_LOG      Log details from previous external acl
#         %EXT_TAG      Tag from previous external acl
#         %IDENT        Ident user name
#         %SRC          Client IP
#         %SRCPORT      Client source port
#         %URI          Requested URI
#         %DST          Requested host
#         %PROTO        Requested protocol
#         %PORT         Requested port
#         %PATH         Requested URL path
#         %METHOD       Request method
#         %MYADDR       Squid interface address
#         %MYPORT       Squid http_port number
#         %PATH         Requested URL-path (including query-string if any)
#         %USER_CERT    SSL User certificate in PEM format
#         %USER_CERTCHAIN SSL User certificate chain in PEM format
#         %USER_CERT_xx SSL User certificate subject attribute xx
#         %USER_CA_xx   SSL User certificate issuer attribute xx
#         %>{Header}    HTTP request header "Header"
#         %>{Hdr:member}
#                       HTTP request header "Hdr" list member "member"
#         %>{Hdr:;member}
#                       HTTP request header list member using ; as
#                       list separator. ; can be any non-alphanumeric
#                       character.
#         %<{Header}    HTTP reply header "Header"
#         %<{Hdr:member}
#                       HTTP reply header "Hdr" list member "member"
#         %<{Hdr:;member}
#                       HTTP reply header list member using ; as
#                       list separator. ; can be any non-alphanumeric
#                       character.
#         %ACL          The name of the ACL being tested.
#         %DATA         The ACL arguments. If not used then any arguments
#                       is automatically added at the end of the line
#                       sent to the helper.
#                       NOTE: this will encode the arguments as one token,
#                       whereas the default will pass each separately.
#         %%            The percent sign. Useful for helpers which need
#                       an unchanging input format.
#       In addition to the above, any string specified in the referencing
#       acl will also be included in the helper request line, after the
#       specified formats (see the "acl external" directive)
#       The helper receives lines per the above format specification,
#       and returns lines starting with OK or ERR indicating the validity
#       of the request and optionally followed by additional keywords with
#       more details.
#       General result syntax:
#         OK/ERR keyword=value ...
#       Defined keywords:
#         user=         The users name (login)
#         password=     The users password (for login= cache_peer option)
#         message=      Message describing the reason. Available as %o
#                       in error pages
#         tag=          Apply a tag to a request (for both ERR and OK results)
#                       Only sets a tag, does not alter existing tags.
#         log=          String to be logged in access.log. Available as
#                       %ea in logformat specifications
#       If protocol=3.0 (the default) then URL escaping is used to protect
#       each value in both requests and responses.
#       If using protocol=2.5 then all values need to be enclosed in quotes
#       if they may contain whitespace, or the whitespace escaped using \.
#       And quotes or \ characters within the keyword value must be \ escaped.
#       When using the concurrency= option the protocol is changed by
#       introducing a query channel tag infront of the request/response.
#       The query channel tag is a number between 0 and concurrency-1.
# none


        下面这个配置结合了“用户名密码认证(HTTP Basic Auth)”和“自定义的认证”。只有同时通过这两个认证的请求才会被Squid放行(否则会返回403)。

        external_acl_type自定义认证部分后端程序使用自己编写的Python脚本(后面有源码),并将%LOGIN(客户用户名),%SRC(客户端IP) ,%MYADDR(服务端IP)作为命令行参数传递给后端认证程序。

auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid/ncsa_auth /etc/squid/users.pwd
auth_param basic children 5
auth_param basic realm IPRENT.CN Proxy Auth Required
auth_param basic credentialsttl 2 hours
#使用external_acl_type实现的自定义认证,后台程序 /etc/squid/squid_external_acl_helper.py
#ipv4标记如果不加,可能会看到“external ACL 'ip_user_check' queue overload”异常(cache.log), >>> https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2187256
external_acl_type ip_user_check children-startup=5 ipv4 %LOGIN %SRC %MYADDR /usr/bin/python /etc/squid/squid_external_acl_helper.py

acl ipuseracl external ip_user_check
acl auth_users proxy_auth REQUIRED
http_access allow auth_users ipuseracl

后台程序(Helper program)示例脚本(Python):


# coding: utf-8
# squid_external_acl_helper.py
# Author: redice(qi@site-digger.com)
# Created at: 2016-10-14

# Python版本的Squid external_acl_type扩展ACL后台脚本
# 在squid.conf中的"htcp_access deny all"之前加入如下配置:
#external_acl_type ip_user_check children-startup=5 ipv4 %LOGIN %SRC %MYADDR /usr/bin/python /etc/squid/squid_external_acl_helper.py
#acl ipuseracl external ip_user_check
#http_access allow ipuseracl

import sys
import logging

# 记录日志
# sudo chmod 755 /var/log/squid/squid_auth_helper.log
# sudo chown proxy:proxy /var/log/squid/squid_auth_helper.log
                    format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s',
                    filename='/var/log/squid/squid_auth_helper.log', filemode='a')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    while True:
        # 从stdin读取一行
        line = sys.stdin.readline()
        username, client_ip, local_ip = line.split()
        logging.info('New auth request: username = {}, client_ip = {}, local_ip = {}'.format(username, client_ip, local_ip))
        # 这里直接输出'OK'(通过认证,反之输出'ERR\n')。你可以根据上述参数实现复杂的认证逻辑。


2016-10-14 12:29:11,968 INFO New auth request: username = test, client_ip =, local_ip =

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